國外網站指出,白色 iPhone 4 已在歐洲開賣,已有國外網友拍照證實買到白色 iPhone 4,此外聽說台灣也進了白色 iPhone 4,但不知何時開賣?不過真是讓大家等太久了!相信能吸引不少女性市場。從照片上顯示這批白色iPhone 4安裝的iOS是4.3.1(8G4),外盒是白色iPhone 4的照片。
Update: Apple官網已更新圖片iPhone 4 in white 將於4/28發售,台灣4/28也開賣!
Update: White models of iPhone 4 will be available inAustria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Macau, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, UK and the US,beginning Thursday, April 28 and in many more countries around the world soon.